Houston Rocket’s shooting guard Tracy McGrady’s girlfriend for 10 years is now his wife. Sorry, girls. He’s happily married with 3 adorable children– LaylaLaymen. He married in 2006 on a beautiful beach in Los Cabos, Mexico. The nameof Tracy McGrady’s wife is Clerenda
HarrisAside fromClerenda Harris is one of the girlfriends because of this issue
It was rumored that one of his children was not Clerenda’s. It was a chlid from another girl thathad accidentally impregnated while he was still dating Clerenda.We have confirmed this news and we have found a legal document that thatTracy McGracy is bound by law to pay more than $1,500.00 yearly as child support to this child. The name of the mother is Pearl Vega. She never became Tracy McGrady’s girlfriend though. Like what I said, she and Tracy had a “mistake” while Tracy was in a committed long-term relationship with ClerendaClerenda must really love Tracy McGrady for marrying and continuing with the marriage even if she knows that Tracy fooled aroundGreat lovereally had the power to forgive Must be the first
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